Uzbekistan Mosques 1.2 APK for Android

Uzbekistan Mosques 1.2
File name: Uzbekistan-Mosques.APK
ID: com.uzbekistan.mosque
Version: 1.2
File Size: 2.5Mb

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Uzbekistan Mosques Details

Uzbekistan Mosques

This application is developed by website. One can obtain information about the mosques of Tashkent and the regions of our country using this application. It helps to find the closest mosque near to you and get direction with the help of mosque location coordinates.
The application shows the shortest path to the selected mosque in electronic map. You can get detailed information about the mosque history, location, the conditions for prayers, mosque imams and staff, application connects to to obtain and show data.
You can search and find the require mosque, and get directions in the online electronic map.
You can add new mosque information through «New Mosque» section.

What's new in Uzbekistan Mosques 1.2

1) O'zbekiston viloyatlar va shaharlar barchasi kiritildi (viloyatdagi masjidlar hali tuliq kiritilmagan)
2) GPS ni yangilanish muddati tezlashtirildi
Uzbekistan Mosques | 134 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.6

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