DNS Lookup and Whois 1.5 APK for Android

DNS Lookup and Whois 1.5
File name: DNS-Lookup-and-Whois.APK
ID: com.networkpanda.dnstool
Version: 1.5
File Size: 0.1Mb

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DNS Lookup and Whois Description

A simple to use app, for DNS, Geographic Location (GeoIP) and Whois lookups of domains and IP addresses.
You type only a hostname/domain or IP address and press a button to see all available information for it.
DNS lookup, MX records, whois, Geographic Location (GeoIP), nameservers info, all with one tap!

The application keeps a history of your checked domains and IP addresses, so that you don't have to type them again by hand.
A great tool for webmasters, system administrators or just for anyone who needs to perform various checks on any domain or IP address.

Features of DNS Lookup and Whois 1.5

- Performance improvements
- Android 4.0.3 compatibility
DNS Lookup and Whois | 63 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.4

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