Dynamic DNS Update Pro 3.1 APK for Android

Dynamic DNS Update Pro 3.1
File name: Dynamic-DNS-Update-Pro.APK
ID: com.icecoldapps.dynamicdnsupdatepro
Version: 3.1
File Size: 0.7Mb

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Download Dynamic DNS Update Pro APK for Android
Free Dynamic DNS Update Pro APK

Dynamic DNS Update Pro Info

The ultimate Dynamic DNS Client (DDNS)! From now on you can always access your device from everywhere! Support for multiple predefined DDNS services and if yours is not listed, just add a custom one. You can also add multiple Dynamic DNS Updaters which will run simultaneously.

Default services included: ChangeIP, DNSdynamic, DNSexit, DNSMadeEasy, DNS-O-Matic, DNSPark, DtDNS, DynDNS, easyDNS, eNom, HE.net, Joker, Namecheap, No-IP, ZoneEdit. Or add a custom update URL!

The app supports extensive logging and can be set to automatically start/stop a Dynamic Updater when your device is connected to a specific WIFI network!

Features summary:
- Start/Stop a Dynamic DNS Updater automatically when connected/disconnected from a specified WIFI network (check for SSID or BSSID)
- Set the timeout between every update in minutes, for every Dynamic DNS Updater
- Enable automatic updates for a specific Dynamic DNS Updater when the connectivity of the device changes (for example a connection to a new WIFI network)
- Verbose log (filter, email, etc)
- Custom variables for use in an update URL (at the bottom of the description more information)
- Use the local or public IP of your device
- View all the IP addresses of your device (public, local, and more!)
- Set the Name, Hostname, Username and Password
- Add multiple dynamic DNS updaters (set a custom URL, or choose from ChangeIP, DNSdynamic, DNSexit, DNSMadeEasy, DNS-O-Matic, DNSPark, DtDNS, DynDNS, easyDNS, eNom, HE.net, Joker, Namecheap, No-IP, ZoneEdit)
- Start a Dynamic DNS Updater when the device boots
- On the settings page of the app you can set the maximum log items to keep, whether to keep a WIFI lock (prevent WIFI from disconnecting automatically), keep the device alive, keep the device alive full (keep the screen on, battery intensive)
- You can search/filter the log, or set it to be automatically sent when the log limit is reached.

Custom variables. When a custom variable is used in the URL it will be replaced with the following:
%hostname% - set hostname
%username% - set username
%password% - set password
%name% - the name of the Dynamic DNS Updater
%ip% - the public or local IP (as set)
%devicemodel% - the device model
%device% - the device name

For questions, bugs, comments or feature requests just contact us!

Visit us on: http://www.icecoldapps.com/
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What's new in Dynamic DNS Update Pro 3.1

- Added the option to only update when the IP changed compared to the previous update
- Added more DDNS Services
- Added the option to check certificates for secure (https) ddns updates
- Added the option to start the server directly when the app starts (and wasn't running in the background)
- Fixed bugs which should solve stability issues of the servers
- Added the option to save the server settings to the sdcard to prevent removal during upgrades
- and more!
Dynamic DNS Update Pro | 15 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.5

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