ID: com.gsk.myasthmaIN
Version: 1.0
File Size: 4.2Mb
MyAsthma India Screenshots
MyAsthma India Description
Developed by GSK, with advice from asthma experts in the UK, MyAsthma provides useful tips, practical advice and special monitoring tools to help you or your child control and manage asthma symptoms. Once registered, you can answer a number of profiling questions so that MyAsthma can help you in management of your own asthma symptoms or those of your child. MyAsthma can be a constant companion for people who want to understand asthma and keep it well controlled. Register today and you can start benefitting from the many features of MyAsthma including:• Updated information on weather, temperature, pollen and pollution for your local area
• Handy personalised reminders and tips sent directly to your mobile device
• The Asthma Control Test™ to help you monitor your asthma control
• A tool to allow recording and charting of peak flow measurements
• A place to record your own personal asthma action plan (developed with your doctor or nurse)
• A specific programme for those looking after children with asthma aged 4 to 11 years
• Tailored information about how to identify and manage asthma triggers
• A library of useful information about asthma including:
• Tips on travelling with asthma
• Information about treatments
• How to work with your health professional
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