Version: 1.0
File Size: 0Mb
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RC Vehicles Guide Info
There are a few things one needs to know when purchasing their very first radio controlled vehicle. Remote Controlled Buyers Guide helps you with every information you need to know before getting into this kind of hobby. Learn the differences between Toy-grade RC Vehicle or Hobby-grade RC Vehicle, Kit or Ready-To-Run (RTR)/Ready-To-Fly (RTF), On-Road or Off-Road Vehicles and Gas or Electric-powered so you can finally make a sound decision and choose the right kind of RC vehicle for you.What's new in RC Vehicles Guide 1.0
We’ve read your feedback and made an all new user experience, an easy to read and faster loading Remote Controlled Buyers Guide. Please let us know how you feel about the new free mobile guide :) More free guides and apps at http://Apps.gdDownload RC Vehicles Guide 1.0 APK