Ziarat Ashura 3.3.1 APK for Android Archive APK File name: Ziarat-Ashura.APKID: info.abdolahi.ziarateashuraVersion: 3.3.1File Size: 6.1MbZiarat Ashura ScreenshotsZiarat Ashura DescriptionWith this application, you can access full text of Imam Hossein ziyarat, at the day of Ashura or ziyarat e ashura (زیارت عاشورا) with beautiful sound of Mr.Farahmand and Persian translation.Ziarat Ashura | 2 Reviewers | 2015/19/10 12:00:00 SA | Rating: 5Download Ziarat Ashura 3.3.1 APKGoogle Play Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Related Apps